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Do you know what media is? Do you use new media? Do you consider new media such an elementary thing in your life? New media is what is managing the new era in the whole world. We can see media in Instagram,twitter,snapchat or facebook. This all programs has as a final objective to make people socialized and know more people around the world. The new media that is most used is facebook and Instagram. Facebook consit of having friends, chats,and share your photos, and get likes. Instagram basically consist on sharing photos to public or private and getting likes and followers. Facts in world assure that 80% of people in world use at least one program of new media. United states is the country were people use most new media. In conclusion modern world is based in socializing and the new media make this easier so people around the world are using this. My opinion trough new media is  that this may be an excellent tool for socializing and share time with your friends , but it could also be pretty bad because this new media could convert a necessary and addictive thing to your life, so it is pretty good if how much time to spent in it , not all day.

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